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Monday, April 3, 2017

Page 2-Second Issue April 2017

Faculty Spotlight:
Joyce Walborn

By Angela Lunda

As students of Helena College, we all know how great the teachers are. We thought sharing some of their stories and inspirations would be fun, and students would get to know them a little bit outside the classroom. Each month we will have a question and answer session with one teacher. This month we chose Joyce Walborn. She is our resident Math Instructor and Star Wars enthusiast.

Q. What is your educational background? 
A. Bachelor's in Mathematical and Computer Sciences from the University of Washington, Master's in Math Education from the University of Montana.

Q. What are you currently reading for enjoyment?
A. I am reading the ultimate Star Wars Encyclopedia. It describes everything about Star Wars-animals, planets, vehicles, people, and so much more. I am reading it more like a novel then an encyclopedia because I really like Star Wars and learning what I can about it.

Q. What interests do you pursue outside the classroom?
A. Walking my dog, baking, and Star Wars. I enjoy baking Star Wars cookies. I have little cut outs that I use.

Q. When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
A. After I received my Bachelor's, from the University of Washington, I was working as an engineer and thought it was boring because I didn’t get to interact or talk to people very much. I decided to go back and get my teaching degree.

Q. What is your favorite four-legged creature and why?
A. My dog Cooper because he is my little buddy. Now that my kids are out of the house and off to college, he is the king of the house and enjoys every second of it.

Q. If you could have a meal with anyone who would it be and why?
A. I would like to have a meal with Mozart. I think he is a genius and would like to talk to him about creating music.

Q. Where is your favorite place to eat?
A. The Mustard Seed in Missoula. Their food is yummy.

Q. In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out?
A. Brother Bear. It’s funny and touching at the same time.

Q. What kind of music are you into? Who is currently your favorite?
A.  I really like classical music because I grew up listening to it. I also really enjoy Broadway musicals because they tell a story. My favorite musical is called Something Rotten. It’s a comedy set in Shakespeare’s time.

Q. What is the funniest thing to have happened to you recently?
A. I was walking my dog on a trail when we came across a baby deer. We didn’t want to get too close in case the mother was nearby so we walked around. That didn’t stop the baby deer.  She started following us. We started walking faster, so the deer started walking faster and eventually it was running to keep up with us. We made it back to our house and went inside.  Not sure what happened to the baby deer or where the mother was in all of this. I have never had that happen before.

Q. What is your favorite saying?
A. From Yoda, “Do or do not”. This means that there is no try, you either do it or don’t.

Q. Do you have any plans for spring break?
A. Nope, just hanging around the house and walking my dog. It has been a cold winter and my dog hasn’t been able to get out as much. He has put on a few pounds. A walk would be a good idea for him.

Q. Who has inspired you in your life and why?
A. The students of Helena College. When I first started here, I was an adjunct professor and had not yet gotten my Master's.  I kept putting it off due to being busy with kids and work.  Then I saw my students with plates fuller than mine and they were doing it and being successful. So, I decided I could do it too. I did. I went back and got my Master's.

Q. What is your favorite memory from your childhood?
A. My fifth birthday. My family and I had a picnic on Mount Rainier in Washington state. I got the one gift I wanted. It was a circus set of animals that had all my favorite circus animals in it.

Q. What would you do if you won the lottery?
A. I would pay off all my kids’ college loans and go somewhere warm for the winter. This winter has been a bit rough.

Q. What is one thing you will never do again?
A. I will never eat seafood again. I have an allergy to it now.

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